It is very important to be cautious about various malicious files that are being transferred via e-mail as attachments. Very often, users are not aware that some attached files from unknown senders may include malware, and that opening the malicious attachment might lead to sad situations, such as a computer crash.
Outlook Attachment Enabler is a tool intended to reduce such risk by managing a smart list of extensions that classifies them either as “Blocked” or “Safe”. If you have entered an extension into the Blocked list, this program will not allow you to open any attachment containing that extension. The Outlook Attachment Enabler team has provided this list, though you have the opportunity to add your own extensions to thу existing list. You can also move extensions from the Blocked list to the Safe list, and vice versa.
The program is free and easy to install. It is compatible with Outlook 2000, XP, 2003 and later, and runs smoothly under most Windows operating systems, including Vista.